
How to lose belly weight naturally and quickly: sports, exercises and diet

Abdominal fat: is it possible to get rid of it? Due to Western culture and imposed models, many people dream of having a beautiful, flat and toned stomach. However, some people suffer from having a store of visceral fat which can be difficult to get rid of, which constitutes a widespread complex. Furthermore, visceral fat (that which is located in the stomach) is the most dangerous for health. So, as many advertisements claim, are there effective methods to lose belly fat in a targeted manner? Find out what causes a stock of abdominal fat and above all, how to lose belly weight effectively.

Why do we gain weight easily?

It’s a fact: many factors play into the fact that we easily gain belly fat. Contrary to many false beliefs, it is not necessarily a question of poor lifestyle and/or poor diet, although this parameter can naturally influence fat gain.


A sedentary lifestyle (not practicing regular physical activity, immobility linked to work, etc.) and a diet that is too fatty and too sweet, drastically increase the risk of storing fat in undesirable places – such as the stomach, but not only.


Genes can sometimes work against us. Indeed, some people gain visceral fat more easily than others.

Lack of sport

This is an almost mathematical rule: burning too few daily calories results in a stock, which irremediably transforms into fat (visceral or otherwise). An inactive lifestyle is also characterized by a store of fat in the abdomen.

The stress

Stress is a state in which the body and mind are under extreme pressure. The body releases cortisol: a hormone that impacts metabolism by promoting fat storage. The body is relatively well made: in the event of stress, the body feels in a state of danger and stores fat to be able to reuse it.  

Furthermore, when stressed, some people tend to turn to food for comfort (“comfort foods”).

Why is visceral fat known as the most dangerous?

Visceral fat (that which is stored in the stomach) is particularly dangerous for your health. This is deep, stored far under the skin, and coats extremely important vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Too much visceral fat therefore poses problems for the body, since adipose tissue produces inflammatory substances (which is dangerous for the organs coated by visceral fat).

Thus, it can promote the appearance of coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, etc.  

Can you only lose belly fat?

Against many (many) popular beliefs, losing belly fat in a targeted manner is not possible. Indeed, adopting a healthy diet and practicing regular physical activity can help you lose weight throughout the body.

Certain exercises will actually strengthen the stomach (therefore, make the abdominal muscle grow), but in no case will they act on the fat present in this specific location. Any physical exercise burns everywhere and strengthens targeted muscle groups (not to be confused).

What diet should you adopt to lose belly fat?

If you want to lose weight and especially lose belly weight, you cannot ignore good eating habits. And yes: in a sedentary (or not very active) lifestyle, it is imperative to limit fat and sugar, since the content of our plate (and in particular these foods) has a direct impact on our weight and our fat stock.

Depending on the lifestyle (sedentary, young, elderly, athlete, vegetarian, etc.), the contents of the plate must be adapted. Need advice from a professional? Get support from a dietitian (or nutritionist) to obtain a personalized action plan.

Indeed, certain foods promote the appearance of fat, while others allow you to adopt a better figure. They are not always what you think, which is why support can be a good idea.

What foods to eat to lose weight?

To lose lasting belly weight (among other things) and avoid storing visceral fat, you must favor certain types of foods:

  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Lean plant and animal proteins
  • Legumes (lentils, peas, etc.)
  • Quality vegetable oils, in small quantities
  • Homemade cooking where we pay attention to quantities
  • Flat water.

What foods to avoid to lose weight?

Certain foods will promote fat gain, particularly in the stomach area. This rule is valid regardless of the individual’s lifestyle (sedentary or sporty – although an athlete can burn sugar if consumed before exercise). It is therefore necessary to avoid:

  • Processed foods and industrial dishes (often too salty, too sweet)
  • Fried foods
  • Fast food
  • White bread and refined cereals (very sweet)
  • Cakes, biscuits, pastries or pastries
  • Products that are too fatty (including cold cuts and fatty meat)
  • Candy, soda
  • Sweetened drinks (including fruit juices without added sugar)
  • Alcohol and cigarette
  • Excess salt (or Asian soy sauce, for example)

Obviously, if we consume products from time to time that promote mass gain, it is not serious and it is not automatic. You just shouldn’t overdo it and, above all, don’t make it too frequent in your diet. This is why it is important to have varied plates and, above all, filled with vegetables!

When you want to lose belly fat and more generally, when you want to lose weight, regular physical activity is necessary to be able to burn calories.

And we repeat: if you think that doing abs helps you lose belly and visceral fat, you are not necessarily right. Indeed, “abs” are far from being the best solution for losing belly fat. But then, what sports and exercises should you practice?

The best sports to lose weight

The best sports for losing weight are those that are practiced at high intensity. The ideal is therefore the practice of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). However, it is not a sport that appeals to everyone.

To lose belly fat, you can also opt for:

  • running (athletics)
  • swimming (pool, open water)
  • all sports that work your cardio (boxing, basketball, cycling, etc.).

Ultimately, it is sports that mobilize the whole body – and not just the stomach – that allow you to effectively lose fat (including visceral fat).

However, it is not so much the type of sport you do that is important. It is more the fact of practicing physical activity on a regular basis that will help you lose belly fat. The ideal is to be able to exercise every day, even if it means walking 30 minutes a day (for example, practicing NEAT is excellent for fat loss).

The best exercises to lose belly fat

A few exercises can help you not target visceral fat, but to strengthen the abdominal chain (less fat x more muscle = bingo). But beware! These “simple” exercises are not enough: they must be practiced in addition to regular physical activity.

The squat

Against all odds, the squat is not only an exercise that works the thighs. This works your cardio and stomach.

  • In the initial position, you must be standing with your back straight and your stomach drawn in.
  • Legs must be at least hip width apart
  • You must bend your knees while pushing your buttocks backwards, as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair (inhaling)
  • The buttocks should reach the line of the knees (if you cannot do this, increase the distance between your legs a little)
  • You have to go back up (by blowing/exhaling).

Working your lower body will boost energy expenditure, which promotes fat loss.

The board

  • Get into cat pose on a yoga mat, with your hands or elbows placed under your shoulders at a right angle.
  • The knees should be apart at the level of the width of the pelvis. Tighten your abs
  • Move your knees away from the ground so you can only support yourself on your hands/elbows (your choice) and your tiptoes
  • The body should be parallel to the ground
  • Maintain between 20 seconds (beginners) and several minutes (advanced).

The rear lunge

  • Stand with your feet parallel to hip-width apart
  • The back must be straight
  • The arms are placed alongside the body, the abdominals tight and the chest high
  • Take a step back and bend both knees (inhaling). You are in a lunge position.
  • Exhale to stand up
  • Alternate both legs.

You can also do the walking lunge to burn more calories. It’s about taking steps forward, on the same model.

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