Travel tips


Are you curious about how to travel the world? I have lots of useful travel tips to share with you.

Here are the best travel tips to help you save money and have a great trip.

With adventures like hitchhiking across America, camping in Greenland and more, the world has been an amazing teacher.


Patience is important

Don’t worry about things you can’t control. Life is too short to be angry and bored all the time. Did you miss your bus? No worries, there will be another one.

Are the ATMs running out of money? Great! Take an unplanned road trip to the next town and explore. Sometimes panics still happen. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that it could be worse.

Get up early to avoid the crowds

Get up before sunrise to have the best attractions all to yourself while avoiding large crowds of tourists. It’s also a magical time for photos thanks to the diffused light and it’s generally easier to interact with locals getting ready for their day!

Want pretty travel photos like on Instagram? You have to go before the others show up. Some places are also less dangerous in the morning.

Observe daily life around you

If you really want to get to know a place, I recommend spending a few hours sitting in a park or on a busy street corner, watching daily life unfold before you.

Stop thinking and pay attention to the details around you. The smells, the colors, the human interactions and the sounds. It’s a kind of meditation – and you’ll see things you never noticed before.

Laugh at yourself sometimes

You will definitely often look like an idiot when traveling to new places. Rather than being embarrassed, laugh at yourself. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t take life seriously. Relax!

Slow down to enjoy your trip

Don’t try to do 6 countries in 6 weeks of travel. Everything good comes when you really take the time to explore. You’ll discover activities not in your guidebook and meet people who can’t wait to show you around.

I can honestly say that NONE of my best travel experiences have happened within the first few days of arriving somewhere. Spend more time in fewer places to get the most out of it. I promise you will have a much better time!

Volunteer occasionally

When you travel, remember to spend some of your time on useful projects. Not only is it a very enriching experience, but you will often learn more about the country and its people while making new friends.

There are many sites where you can search for highly recommended volunteer opportunities around the world. Be very careful with volunteering and do your research, as there are also many scams out there.

Immortalize your trip with photos

You may only see these places and meet these people once in your life. Remember them forever with lots of photos! Don’t worry about looking like a “tourist.” Good photos are the best memories.

They cost nothing, are easy to share and don’t take up space in your luggage. Also take lots of photos of yourself, they will be more important than your postcard photos later. Remember, once you’ve taken your photo, it’s important to get out from behind the lens and appreciate the view.

Do not be discouraged

Nothing is impossible. If you’re having trouble getting somewhere or doing something, don’t give up. You just haven’t found the best solution or met the right person yet. Don’t listen to those who say it’s impossible.

Persistence pays off. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told that what I want to do isn’t possible, only to then be proven wrong when I don’t listen and try anyway. . What’s the worst that could happen? Failure is not the end of the world!

Get out of your comfort zone

Challenge yourself to try things that normally give you anxiety. The more you do it, the more this anxiety will fade. Not a hiker? Take more hikes. Do you have trouble talking to strangers? Talk to everyone. Are you afraid of weird food? Eat the weirdest thing you can find.

The reason this works so well when traveling is because everything is already so different, what’s one more new/uncomfortable experience? Nobody knows who you are here, you can completely reinvent yourself.

Keep an open mind

Don’t judge other people’s lifestyles or customs if they are different from yours. Listen to opinions you disagree with. It is arrogant to assume that your opinions are correct and others are wrong. Show empathy and put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Be open to different possibilities, opinions, religions, customs and interests. Ask questions. You don’t have to agree with everyone, but you may be surprised what you learn from the people you meet on your travels.

Get lost in the details

If you want to see the parts of the city where real people live and work, you have to go visit them. The best way to do this is to do it on foot – without knowing exactly where you are going. Write down the name of your hotel so you can take a taxi home if necessary, then choose a direction and start walking.

Don’t worry too much about stumbling into dangerous neighborhoods either, as locals usually warn you before you get that far. And you never know what amazing things you’ll find around the next corner…


Be flexible and don’t plan too much

The truth is, I have no idea what you will enjoy or who you will meet. My advice is to choose a starting point, 1 or 2 essential activities, and an arrival point (or not). Then let the universe determine the rest. Be flexible and open to changing your plans if you learn something along the way!

Learn a few foreign words

You don’t need to be fluent in a language to visit a foreign country. However, taking the time to learn a few phrases in the local language can improve your travel experience. “Hello, please, thank you, nice to meet you, excuse me, sorry, and can I take your portrait” are some of my favorites.

Not being able to communicate while traveling can be frustrating, but remember, it’s your problem, not theirs. Try hand signs, pictures on your phone or voice translators…

Take an additional payment card

Having your bank card details stolen can be a disaster, but especially if it happens while visiting a foreign country. If your card is frozen, stolen, or the ATM eats it, you’re screwed! Unless you have backup cards…

I always have a second bank account/debit card and a backup credit card, which you keep separate from your wallet. This way, if your wallet is stolen or your debit card is declined, you can still have access to cash while you travel.

Write down your hotel address

Sometimes, after a long flight, while playing games on your smartphone, your battery may end up dead. And if you haven’t written down the address of your place of residence, how will you communicate it to your taxi driver?

As ridiculous as it sounds, I’ve done this several times and it’s embarrassing. I fall asleep or forget to charge my phone. I also recommend writing down your hotel room number somewhere after you check-in.

Read a guide to the country

Before you go to a new country, I recommend reading a good guide on the subject, to learn about the history and culture before you arrive.

Your field trip experience will be much more satisfying if you already know some details about the area you are visiting. Don’t worry, you’ll still discover a lot of new things, but you’ll have a base to start with.

Splurge while traveling

I’m a big fan of budget travel because it allows you to travel for longer and see more of the fascinating world we live in, rather than wasting your hard-earned money on things you don’t need. In fact, you can travel to many places for 50 euros per day without any problem.

That said, living on a tight budget becomes more and more difficult after a while. It’s good (and healthy) to go over budget every once in a while. Book a few days in a nice hotel, eat at a fancy restaurant, or have a wild night on the town. Have fun!


Earplugs and eye mask

I love my earplugs because they prevent me from hearing babies crying, drunk people, barking dogs, honking horns, dorm room romps, and more.

An eye mask is another wonderful investment to cure jet lag.

A traveler’s best friends: earplugs and a mask for comfort and efficiency.

A scarf or fouta

This simple piece of cotton fabric is one of my most useful travel accessories, with many different practical applications.

It is perfect for protecting yourself from the cold or the heat, as a towel or tablecloth, for carrying things, as a blanket for conservative countries, and much more.

His own water bottle

If you haven’t noticed, humans are destroying the planet with plastic waste. Constantly buying bottled water is incredibly bad for the environment! But tap water isn’t always safe everywhere either…

My solution to saving money and helping save the environment is to bring a bottle of filtered water on all my adventures. This way, you can reuse the same bottle thousands of times and never pay for expensive, wasted bottled water again!

Pack less stuff in your backpack

You don’t need half the gear you think you do to travel. We’ve all done it. It’s a right of passage for travelers who gradually improve by packing less. My first backpack was filled with 70 liters, my current bag is only 40 liters.

As a full-time wanderer, everything I own fits in my travel backpack. If you’re not sure you have something in your bag, you don’t need it. It’s also possible to buy most things in your destination country if you discover you need them.

Spare passport photos

Obtaining visas for some countries can be very painful, and some may require multiple passport-sized photos. Have you ever tried to find a place that takes ID photos in Tajikistan? It is not easy!

Before you leave your home country, get a bunch of passport-size photos (10?) printed and bring them with you, just in case. This will save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run.

An extra battery

There’s nothing worse than having a broken smartphone or camera. Imagine yourself in the middle of a perfect photo opportunity, but unable to take it because of a dead camera battery! When I first started traveling, this happened to me more times than I would like to admit.

These days, I don’t go anywhere without a spare battery, charged and ready for action. So you’re always ready for epic travel photography situations like pretty sunsets, wildlife encounters, or postcard-worthy street scenes.


Book the cheapest flights

Flying can often be one of the most expensive parts of international travel. But with practice, you can learn how to book super cheap flights and save tons of money. For example, booking 2-3 months in advance.

Sign up for cheap ticket alerts, watch for mispriced fares, and take a look at other airports that might be near your final destination.

Free guided tours

A good way to save money is to take free city tours when you arrive. These tours allow you to get your bearings in an unfamiliar city, spot some good photography spots to return to later, learn things about the city, and maybe make some new friends.

Remember that the tours are free as the guide expects a tip at the end, so don’t be too stingy and make sure to thank them for their time. This is a wonderful way to save money while traveling!

Eat local foods frequently

Taste a little bit of everything when you travel, especially if you don’t know what it is. Ask local people for recommendations. Eat street food from vendors who line up in front of you. Eating street food is a brilliant way to save money when traveling!

I have only been very ill twice in nine years of constant travel. Don’t be afraid of food. There’s nothing wrong with going to McDonalds if you’re homesick, but why fly across the world to eat the same things you eat at home? Live a little!

Avoid expensive hotels and resorts

You don’t need to stay in expensive hotels during your trip. In fact, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your trip by staying in more budget-friendly accommodations, like hostels, B&Bs, or couchsurfing (an online community of people who share their thoughts for free). sofa with strangers).

Sleeping in hostels can also be good for your wallet, as renting a dorm bed costs a fraction of what a hotel would cost. 30 euros per night compared to 100 euros per night is really a lot! Plus, it’s a wonderful way to meet other travelers.


Don’t be afraid of other countries

The media loves to report on tourists being killed or kidnapped. However, the world is nowhere near as dangerous as the media makes it out to be. Keep an eye out for sketchy situations, but don’t let that be the focal point of your trip.

Use common sense and everything will be fine. Most people in foreign countries are friendly, trustworthy, generous and willing to help you.

Always take travel insurance

No one ever thinks that they will be sick, injured or robbed during their journey. But it happens when you least expect it.

With travel insurance, you don’t have to worry about huge hospital bills or equipment theft when that happens.

Reserve additional funds for emergency situations

To cover yourself in an emergency, make sure to keep some extra cash in a few different places. I recommend getting one for at least a few hundred dollars. If you lose your wallet, your card stops working, or the ATMs run out of cash, you’ll be glad you did.

Some of my favorite hiding places include dirty socks, under the soles of shoes, in a toiletry bag, around the frame of a backpack, or even sewn behind a patch on your bag.

Back up your files and photos!

When my laptop was stolen, having most of my important documents and photos backed up saved my butt. I’ve met many travelers whose hard drive crashed and lost thousands of priceless travel photos.

In addition to photos, keep digital and physical copies of your passport, ID card, driver’s license, health insurance card, serial numbers, and important phone numbers ready to go. be used in an emergency. Back up your files and photos to an external hard drive as well as online.

Take care of your body

Travel can make you lose your mind. When you move from place to place, it’s difficult to maintain a workout routine, and many of us slack off. Or we don’t get enough sleep. Or we eat too many cupcakes.

Remember to be kind to your body. Get enough sleep, hydrate, eat healthily, use sunscreen, and exercise often.

Also read: Avoid Travel Mishaps with Our International Travel Checklist


Travel alone occasionally

While traveling with friends or family is a lot of fun, traveling solo is a time where you REALLY get to know yourself and discover what you’re made of. Traveling solo requires you to figure things out on your own, meet new people, and tackle unfamiliar situations.

You are also free to pursue the activities and experiences you really want to have during your trip, without others stopping you. It’s a wonderful way to learn new life skills and increase your self-confidence.

Go off the beaten track

I know it’s a cliché, but you should still try. Look for interesting and unusual places that aren’t very touristy during your trip (or travels). Many memorable travel experiences have happened to me in areas that are not easy to visit.

You should definitely go to popular sites, but don’t rule out other places just because they’re not on the tourist trail. Please note, however, that just because an area is remote or dangerous does not necessarily mean you will have a life-changing experience.

Stay in touch with your loved ones

Don’t forget to call your family and friends from time to time. Maybe surprise them and go a little old school by sending a postcard (it’s in the mail, Mom!). Travels are not solitary, far from it. You’re constantly meeting other people.

But traveling solo means many of these new relationships are fleeting. There is always someone coming or going. It is therefore important for your mental health to maintain a strong connection with the people who know you best in your home country.

Make friends with locals

Make a point to avoid other travelers from time to time and strike up conversations with locals. One of my best travel tips is to make eye contact and smile more. Maybe stop to ask for directions. It’s a quick way to make new friends.

Also check out websites like or and other quality travel sites to see what types of activities are happening in the area, and sign up for one. Take the time to meet the people of the country you are visiting. People enrich your travels more than sights.

Listen to podcasts for long trips

Podcasts are awesome. It’s like your own personal radio station, full of shows and music you always want to listen to. I never thought I would actually look forward to a 10 hour bus ride. But with podcasts, it’s possible (well, as long as the seats are comfortable)!

Time will fly by listening to incredible stories, fun music or fascinating interviews with experts.

Say yes more often

Be impulsive and say yes when someone randomly invites you to meet their family, try a new activity, or explore a place you didn’t know existed. You never know what you’re missing if you don’t say yes!

It’s these unexpected and unforeseen situations that spice up your travels and always turn into great stories afterwards. Accept the kindness of strangers when you travel – you will have plenty of opportunities to do so.


If there’s one thing I’ve noticed over the past few years, it’s that many people back home like to tell me how lucky I am while also apologizing for not being able to travel.

It’s too expensive. They can’t take time off work. Who will feed their pets?

When I suggest solutions to these “problems,” they still don’t take action. For what? Because they often hide behind the real reason: they are afraid.

Unfortunately, most people who wait to travel the world never do.

You don’t need to sell all your material possessions and become a homeless nomad. You just have to do more than you are doing now. Start with a weekend in another city. Then maybe try a week in the next country.

The new car, the renovation project and the latest smartphone can wait. If you really want to travel more, you can do it. Career interruptions are possible. You have friends who would like to look after your pets.

It’s a big, beautiful, exciting and fascinating world.

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