Normally pink, your tongue may turn white. Is that bad? What can make the tongue white? How is this treated? Response elements.
The tongue is one of the main organs of the mouth and has multiple functions:
Mobile, soft and particularly muscular, the tongue is divided into three zones:
Pink and smooth, the tongue can be covered with a more or less thick white deposit, with a relatively “creamy” appearance: we then speak of a white tongue or saburral tongue. This deposit can be removed by rubbing or scraping the tongue. But without treatment of its cause, it quickly reappears afterwards. The white tongue in itself does not correspond to a pathology, but to a symptom with which others can associate.
Although it is not systematic, saburral tongue or white tongue is generally accompanied by other symptoms:
In the case of saburral tongue, this means that bacteria or fungi proliferate within the oral cavity, until they settle on the taste buds. The tongue becomes whiter as oral cell debris accumulates.
A fungal overgrowth (of a fungus) on the tongue and in the mouth causes a condition called candidiasis, also known as oral thrush. This kind
Mycosis, which can also appear in infants, is caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans and is manifested by the famous white deposit which can also reach the inside of the cheeks. Taking certain antibiotics or corticosteroids can promote the occurrence of candidiasis, because these medications can unbalance the quantity of bacteria and fungi naturally present in the oral cavity and cause the proliferation of one of them. Other risk factors: the presence of poorly fitted dental prostheses, significant stress, pregnancy or certain gastric pathologies, etc.
Certain diseases developing in the digestive system can cause white tongue. This is particularly the case for gastritis, an acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach lining. Diabetes, as well as a liver infection, can also be the cause of the saburral tongue symptom. More serious, the white tongue can also reveal leukoplakia, a possible pre-cancerous sign. This is recognized by the presence of an abnormal white or gray area which forms on the tongue, inside the cheeks or even on the gums. It should be carefully monitored by your doctor. Leukoplakia is further favored by smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Be careful, in the case of leukoplakia, it is not a deposit, but lesions which cannot be removed by scratching them. A medical consultation is necessary.
Are you worried about white tongue and the symptoms associated with it? Make an appointment with your GP or dentist. He will then be able to examine you, establish a diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment for the causes of the saburral tongue.
If the saburral tongue is the consequence of poor oral hygiene, your dentist must remind you of the essential measures to find it:
It is also recommended to quit smoking and moderate your alcohol consumption.
To treat candidiasis, good oral hygiene remains the main therapeutic indication. But your doctor may prescribe an antifungal treatment at the same time, to take for a few days to fight this infection. Finally, if the white tongue is caused by an underlying pathology, the treatment will first consist of treating the latter. Thus, in the event of uncomplicated gastritis, generally caused by bacteria, antibiotic treatment will be implemented for around fifteen days. In the case of leukoplakia, the latter is regularly the subject of analyzes and examinations, in order to detect any cancerous development as early as possible.
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